Great success of the Targetti brand at Light Middle East 2016
Targetti really stood out with their totally black & white stand in the Future Zone of the Innovation Pavilion at Light Middle East 2016, the Middle East’s leading exhibition for architectural, retail, urban and theatrical lighting. This long awaited event with a full programme of conferences and side events was a great success among the leading players in the industry.

The success of the brand that came to Dubai with catalogue of new products and a new image that expresses the growing dynamism of the company, is also due to Targetti’s vital contribution to one of the major side events at Light Middle East “Ready, Steady, Light”, a competition where manufacturers, lighting designers and students have to work together to plan and install a temporary lighting scheme.

Targetti provided more than 20 DART SMALL fixtures, adjustable outdoor projectors for LED sources. DART SMALL was selected by the organisers given its powerful characteristics and compact size as well as its extreme versatility guaranteed by its numerous accessories. This key product, included in the selection of fixtures on display in Dubai, was joined by JEDI and STORE, the latter in both the track mounted and recessed versions.

The level of innovation in these products earned Targetti their place in the Future Zone at the exhibition, a thrilling showcase dedicated to avant-garde technology and new trends in the field of lighting design.
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Targetti Sankey S.r.l. Unipersonal
Sociedad de responsabilidad limitada sujeta a la dirección y supervisión de su socio único 3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via Pratese, 164
50145 Florencia - Italia
Tfno: +39 055 37911
Fax: +39 055 3791266
CCIAA Florencia
Capital Social: € 500.000,00
NIF (IT): 01537660480
R.E.A: FI-275656
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