Art and research for TARGETTI at Light+Building
TARGETTI is taking part in Light+Building 2016, from 13 to 18 March 2016, with a new, modern company image. To make the most of this new brand image, TARGETTI has chosen a 400 square meters exhibition space. The stand (Hall 3.1 - Area A51), with its seven distinct themed areas resembling
a large square, is dedicated to the collections of a contemporary, future-oriented company.

The exhibition itinerary starts with the Philosophy Room, which presents the new logo and hosts previews of initiatives and events.Then TARGETTI guides visitors through the other rooms: Art, Retail, Project, Paths, Up-light, Accent-light, to give them a close-up view of their current and new products.

After visiting all the different rooms you’ll arrive in a semi-circular square, an outdoor space with trees, tables and chairs from where you’ll be able to see in a glance all TARGETTI highlights, where you’ll have the possibility to meet our sales people and get all the relevant information about products such as DART and JEDI, our new outdoor projector fixtures. Specifically, DART projector is installed on the surrounding poles to suggest an original urban furniture application, while JEDI, with its grazing light, is used to emphasize the seven external façades.

Twenty four display cases, distributed in the seven exhibition areas, contain open products to show their structure and construction. In the Project area, a particular installation gives an artistic representation of all the combinations and colors of CCT LED decorative trim rings. In the Art room, the ability of TARGETTI technology to influence the color rendering on lit surfaces is emphasized with products from its Light of Florence collection, specifically designed for historical heritage and museums.
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Targetti Sankey S.r.l.
Single-member private limited liability company subject to management and control of 3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via Pratese, 164
50145 Firenze - Italy
Tel: +39 055 37911
Fax: +39 055 3791266
CCIAA Firenze
Share Capital: € 500.000,00
VAT N. (IT): 01537660480
R.E.A: FI-275656
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