Liceo Vallée de Chevreuse
City: Gif-sur-Yvette
Country: France
Architectural Design: Alain Domingo et Alain Rihn
Photo: Jordane Bodin
The extension work carried out at the Liceo Vallée de Chevreuse in Gif-sur-Yvette, a small French town with 20 thousand inhabitants in the department of Essonnes is inspired by principles of environmental sustainability. The heart of the project that also involves the creation of a 200 seat auditorium is the new refectory that can seat 1200 people with annexed kitchens is located right next to the original school complex that dates back to the eighties and adapts discreetly to the morphology of the area.

The architects Alain Domingo and Alain Rihn, who oversaw the project, choose Targetti to light the ground floor dining hall in the new pavilion made of glass on a poured concrete base.

The natural light that pervades this large space with a view of the surrounding vegetation needed to be integrated with artificial lighting that was able to reproduce the same pleasant features and visual comfort. From an aesthetic point of view also the aim was to create an environment similar to a cafeteria with functional and stylish furniture with neutral colours like light wood, slate and black.

Matt black finish Targetti MINI ceiling and suspension fixtures for fluorescent lamps were the most suitable choice to meet the technical and aesthetic requirements expressed by the designers. Apart from the clean design of the product the winning elements of these fixtures are the quality light output and the integrated power supply.
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Targetti Sankey S.r.l.
Single-member private limited liability company subject to management and control of 3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via Pratese, 164
50145 Firenze - Italy
Tel: +39 055 37911
Fax: +39 055 3791266
CCIAA Firenze
Share Capital: € 500.000,00
VAT N. (IT): 01537660480
R.E.A: FI-275656
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