COOP Desio
City: Desio (MI)
Country: Italy
Photo: Germano Borrelli
COOP Desio, not far from Milan, is the first supermarket with 100% LED lighting. Targetti joined the large-scale distributor’s choice to go green and worked together with their technical department (INRES) on a yearlong project that led to the creation of an entire range of LED products designed specifically for Large-Scale Distributors. Targetti GDO light fixtures have replaced the discharge light-bulbs previously used in the COOP supermarkets. The logic behind this choice was that of ensuring the best light possible and huge benefits for everyone. For the environment: a reduction in electricity consumption guaranteed by the use of high-quality LEDs; for fresh food counters: no emission of UV rays which guarantees perfect preservation of the food, eliminating any risk of alteration; for customers: a precise control of the beam finally relieves customers from annoying point-light glare; for retailers: they can allow themselves the luxury of forgetting about the lights for a good 10 years, because once installed, the new fixtures do not require any maintenance for over 50,000 hours.

But the innovative nature of the project does not end here. We are now fully aware that the purchase process is not only determined by the actual price and quality of the goods displayed, but also and above all, by how the customer perceives the specific products: light plays a decisive role by taking care of the presentation of the goods and respecting its chromatic nature. The Targetti GDO lights designed for the Desio project promise (and uphold) to show-off the products displayed in the fresh food counters of supermarkets exactly as they are. This is made possible by a special optical device that is common to all product versions in the range.

All the Targetti GDO lights, whether projectors, suspensions or recessed lights depending on the requirement, contain an “optical brain” which emits the right amount of light for best showing-off the colours of the food which it illuminates. A broad-spectrum chromatic light that shows off to perfection the natural colour of meat, fish, fruit and vegetables was chosen for the COOP supermarket of Desio, which just specialises in very fresh food; a light with warm and inviting tones, in line with the decor, was chosen for the wine cellar; while a white neutral light was chosen for the heads of the generic shelves. The result, once installed, lived up to all expectations. In fact, the perfect balance between the light programmed inside the fixtures and the resulting light effect is just another plus of the Targetti GDO lights, each of which is tested at the end of production and equipped with a report that guarantees its intensity and chromatic value, uniformity of the beam emitted and conformity of the radiant spectrum.
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Targetti Sankey S.r.l.
Single-member private limited liability company subject to management and control of 3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via Pratese, 164
50145 Firenze - Italy
Tel: +39 055 37911
Fax: +39 055 3791266
CCIAA Firenze
Share Capital: € 500.000,00
VAT N. (IT): 01537660480
R.E.A: FI-275656
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