Parque Arauco
City: Santiago
Country: Chile
Architectural Design: Cristian Fernández Eyzaguirre
Lighting Design: Paulina Sir
The Parque Arauco shopping centre, the largest in Santiago Chile, features two large 18-story symmetrical glass towers. The project was created by the architect Cristian Fernánder Eyzaguirre. The towers soar high into the sky connected by a central element where the main entrance is found. The structure is not very deep, and its back walls become stars of the scene, opening onto a view of the street.

The visual impact is emphasised by the homogenous lighting created by the Chilean lighting designer Paulina Sir, who used Targetti's ICARE recessed projectors with medium beam to create her “box.” The emphasis is also at the level of the floor, where parallel cuts of light run along the front of the two towers. In this case, the designer opted for MERCURE recessed linear light fixtures with fluorescent light bulbs.
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Targetti Sankey S.r.l.
Single-member private limited liability company subject to management and control of 3F Filippi S.p.A.
Via Pratese, 164
50145 Firenze - Italy
Tel: +39 055 37911
Fax: +39 055 3791266
CCIAA Firenze
Share Capital: € 500.000,00
VAT N. (IT): 01537660480
R.E.A: FI-275656
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